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Experience Gentle Adjusting With NUCCA

chiropractic tableMany patients are concerned about the popping, cracking and twisting that is involved in most traditional forms of chiropractic. Medical doctors and other health professionals often don’t refer to chiropractors because of this same reason. They wonder who the safe chiropractors are and which ones they would prefer didn’t have their hands on their beloved patients.

Comfortable Care to Address Many Conditions

It’s a shame that more people aren’t aware of gentle forms of chiropractic. We want doctors and patients to know that NUCCA chiropractic adjustments don’t involve twisting or popping.
These adjustments are highly effective for common health challenges. These include migraines, vertigo, TMJ and neck pain.  When the neck is properly aligned, the rest of the spine aligns itself. We help many patients with lower back, sciatica and bulging disc issues without having to touch the lower back.

Used Worldwide for Decades

NUCCA is not new; it’s been around since the late 1960s. There are about 300 NUCCA practitioners worldwide. Houston Spinal Care became the first NUCCA clinic in Houston in 2001. Your NUCCA care consists of

  • Precise X-rays to determine the exact cause of the problem
  • Thorough nerve testing
  • A gentle low-force and customized adjustment made to the upper cervical spine

Safe for All Ages

Upper cervical care is safe for virtually all patients. These include newborns and the elderly who often require gentle adjustments. Even post-surgical patients can benefit since there isn’t any twisting or popping. Dr. Jason Minogue is one of only two Part 2 Certified NUCCA doctors in Texas. NUCCA sets us apart from all other chiropractors. Patients drive from hours away since they respond better to NUCCA than to other forms of care.

A High Success Rate

NUCCA has a very high success rate because we only accept patients that we truly believe we can help. Also, the protocols allow us to make the precise adjustment to the spine that will fix the patient’s problem. Unfortunately, many chiropractors give the same adjustment to the patient visit after visit without any variation. At other practices, many patients get the same cookie-cutter adjustment.

If you’d like to see if NUCCA chiropractic could benefit you, contact us today to book an appointment!

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